Friday, April 19, 2024

Bourne Hall Tree Down.

Damage from falling tree at Bourne Hall, Ewell.

Walking into the village today, a large tree has been blown down, the wall has been repaired and repointed just over a moth ago.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Corona Kids - The Big Ship Sails On The Alley Alley O

A lot of the music I posted is still around on places like YouTube, some has appeared on commercial CD's, my spelling is appalling (despite having a BSC) for some reason I always want to put an e on the end of Santa Claus, normally I edit it out and correct the spelling, on one track I must have missed it, I always noticed that a number of my Christmas records always appeared on CD the following year, when the track appeared complete with the spelling mistake my suspicions were confirmed.

Here is one of my recordings from early in the blog,

Corona Kids - The Big Ship Sails On The Alley-Alley-O Featured in the film "A Taste of Honey" (



After 7 years of the original Blog being taken down the Blog name has been released by Blogger for reuse, there have been a number of changes during those years, Muffin had to be put down after her back legs went, six months later Biscuit arrived. 

The Council have allowed Hook Road Multi-storey Car Park to be used for Boot Sales during the winter months, after years of refusing permission, this year the Easter Boot Sale at Hook Road Arena was cancelled due to the area being waterlogged, though the Bank Holiday Boot Sales are not what they used to be, as they have them on the Sunday and Monday, records vanished and what few were turning up the sellers wanted silly money for them, in one case someone wanted £10 for a copy of Ken Dodd - Tears (probably the most common charity shop record) and £100 for a Des O'Conner LP (It's Rare). It has been a least a couple of years since I  have brought a record at a Boot Sale.