Sunday, May 12, 2024

Ashley Centre Car Park Fire

 This happened about 4 years ago, a car was belching smoke so the owner decided to park it in the Ashley Centre Multi Story Car Park on the second floor, she got out and left the car, shortly after she had left the car it caught fire, the fire wrote off and severely damaged 9 cars parked close by, it also damaged the fabric of the building the main floors on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th floors had to be closed because of the damage, two thirds of the car parks capacity was unavailable for use (it is a very busy car park) the repairs took over 18 months to complete, I have always wondered  how much the insurance company had to pay out on this claim, nine cars, structural repairs and 18 months lost revenue. I was in the process of renewing my mobile phone contract and had left the car park shortly before this happened.

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