Friday, May 10, 2024

Fishing Brighton 8th May 2024

 Unloading the fishing gear in the Marina Multi-storey Car Park.


General View of the Charter Boats at Brighton Marina.

My fishing gear while I nip to the Tackle Shop

Rod set up and ready for fishing, the rod is a Penn Extreme 6-12lb with a Shimano Charter Special 1000 reel loaded with 30lb Braid to a 20lb fluorocarbon trace with a single Fusion Octopus size 2 hook, as it is Brighton I use a pink hook.
Another Charter Boat fishing the same mark.

The only fish I kept a nice Plaice.

On Wednesday 8th May I had a fishing trip booked from Brighton to fish for Black Bream, it was misty for the whole journey from West Ewell to Brighton Marina, I had been out on another fishing trip from Brighton earlier in the month fishing for Black Bream on the Kingmere Rocks, there are bag limits on the Kingmere Rocks with some areas you are not allowed to take any fish, others one fish and others 4 fish, we fished in the area you could keep 4, I rarely take Black Bream and gave my 4 away, however on the 8th we were told pick up your bait at 07.30 and on the boat by 07.45 for an 08.00 start, inevitably one group turned up late, we fished a different mark Collage Rocks, a number of Black Bream were caught but mostly undersize, the fish were late arriving on the mark due to the cold weather, other fish caught were strap Conger, Smooth Hounds, Pouting and the proverbial Dogfish.

As the tide slackened the bits tailed off so it was decided that we would drift between Brighton and Worthing, on the drifts I had Dabs, Plaice, Black Bream and a surprise catch a Ballan Wrasse, the skipper said it was the first he had seen in over eight years, we were back into Brighton Marina at 16.00, the journey home was mainly uneventful until I approached the M2, there had been an accident on the east bound carriage  way that was stopping the traffic from the M23 joining as the tailback started to grow it was blocking access to the west bound slip road, lucky I managed to get onto the M25 without too much delay, the traffic on the other side was backed up to the Leatherhead turnoff, my satnav always takes me off at the Redhill/Reigate turnoff on the way home.    

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