Monday, May 27, 2024

Bank Holiday Boot Sale

  I arrived at 07.30 sellers were still arriving, there were a number of stalls selling records today but I only brought 2 and was given a third. I did take some pictures of the Boot Sale unfortunately they did not come out well, I had taken the camera fishing with me and the lens had got rather grubby    

The first was a Ronnie Ronalde EP, I had not seen this one before.


The second was a Jimmie Rogers record that I did not have, while I was on the record stall (I always end up there, it is the first stall you come to as you enter the boot sale, some one was showing the singles he had brought the first one was Jeremy Taylor -  Ag Pleeze Deddy on the Gallotone Lable, he had paid £15 I brought my copy also on the South African Gallotone Label for £1. I always enter at the far end as it is literally at the end of the road I live in), I ended up buying 20 CD's, and he said I have a number of records for you, my usual mix Christmas Records, Novelty etc, the "Crap" records are referred too  as "Robin Records"  I will meet him in one of the local pubs and buy the ones I want.                       

The third record was the single from the boxed Winston Churchill  boxed set of his famous speeches, in the early Boot Sale Days the set was quite common but I haven't seen one  for a few years, the odd thing about the sets they were almost all in mint condition, with the records not having been played.

A number of unusual items crop up at Boot Sales this one was no different one stall was selling a complete Professional Tattoo outfit another had a number of medical monitoring items these were old but working. Items that were missing were PC's, Laptops. TV's and Stereo systems though there were a few record decks though they were in poor condition.

As I was mentioning Jeremy Taylor - Ag Pleeze Deddy.

For some reason most of the records on You Tube have the last verse missing, in the UK it was issued on the Decca label later it had a Politicly Correct later release on the Pye label minus the last verse, 

I have seen more South African Gallotone Copies than  the UK Decca pressings

This record may offend


Unfortunately no one has posted the politicly correct version on You Tube. 

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Blitz Kids - Mums And Dads


I remember this record from Uncle Mac and Children's Favourites on BBC radio, on the single the track is credited to The Blitz Kids on the LP and later CD it is credited as The Kids From Blitz, I took the recording from an original 45 and loaded it onto my PC, when downloading it to Divshare (remember that)  I accidently loaded the stereo version from the CD.

Divshare was the first file sharing platform I used, about eighteen months to a year before its demise there was a problem that was never rectified, you used to be able to upload multiple files in one go, after the problem the files could only be uploaded individually, then one day it just stopped working, there was no access to anything that had been downloaded a lot of people lost unreplaceable recordings, I lost 2 I must have deleted them from my PC in error but I still had the original 45, the recording was redone during the next session, Divshare managed to charge me after it has ceased trading I got the payment back, I then went over to Pleer a free to use service the only downside was if the track wasn't played for a certain time it would be deleted, the last I used was Box I never had any problems during the time I used Box.

I managed to spill a small amount of soft drink on the corner of my laptop, it started the screen playing up then shortly after the screen failed, I put the laptop in a warm place to see if drying it out would solve the problem, no luck so round the the computer repair shop only to be told the problem was terminal, so I brought a Windows 11 laptop, I have managed to move all the important stuff onto the new laptop but for some reason Blogger is not seeing the new blog  but an earlier version, it was the same when I started using a spare PC it took a day for the PC to access the new blog, until then I will have to use my spare PC. Ironically the spare PC was the one of the 2 I used on the original Blog, I had it upgraded to a Solid State Drive and Windows 10 some time ago.

Mums & Dads (

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Dreamers - The Maybe Song


Until I heard Brian Mathews play this on Sounds of the Sixties I had no idea this 1968 record existed, I added it to my wants list, a promotion copy appeared but the bidding start price was higher than I was prepared to pay, some time later a stock copy appeared at a much more reasonable starting price, despite some hectic biding it was mine, I am not aware of this record appearing on any compilations. The Womenfolk also recorded this song though they never released it as a single, the track appears on the 1966 Womenfolk LP - Man O Man.

The You Tube Video plays the "A" side first then the "B" side.

Dreamers - The Maybe Song -Long Road (

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Least Popular Record

 The least popular record posted was an EP of Pope John XXIII in French, it only had 1 download in the four to five years it was on the blog. It is one of the few records that for some reason never got onto 45Cat. 

I still have the audio recording, if anyone wants a copy please email me on 

Ashley Centre Car Park Fire

 This happened about 4 years ago, a car was belching smoke so the owner decided to park it in the Ashley Centre Multi Story Car Park on the second floor, she got out and left the car, shortly after she had left the car it caught fire, the fire wrote off and severely damaged 9 cars parked close by, it also damaged the fabric of the building the main floors on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th floors had to be closed because of the damage, two thirds of the car parks capacity was unavailable for use (it is a very busy car park) the repairs took over 18 months to complete, I have always wondered  how much the insurance company had to pay out on this claim, nine cars, structural repairs and 18 months lost revenue. I was in the process of renewing my mobile phone contract and had left the car park shortly before this happened.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Fishing Brighton 8th May 2024

 Unloading the fishing gear in the Marina Multi-storey Car Park.


General View of the Charter Boats at Brighton Marina.

My fishing gear while I nip to the Tackle Shop

Rod set up and ready for fishing, the rod is a Penn Extreme 6-12lb with a Shimano Charter Special 1000 reel loaded with 30lb Braid to a 20lb fluorocarbon trace with a single Fusion Octopus size 2 hook, as it is Brighton I use a pink hook.
Another Charter Boat fishing the same mark.

The only fish I kept a nice Plaice.

On Wednesday 8th May I had a fishing trip booked from Brighton to fish for Black Bream, it was misty for the whole journey from West Ewell to Brighton Marina, I had been out on another fishing trip from Brighton earlier in the month fishing for Black Bream on the Kingmere Rocks, there are bag limits on the Kingmere Rocks with some areas you are not allowed to take any fish, others one fish and others 4 fish, we fished in the area you could keep 4, I rarely take Black Bream and gave my 4 away, however on the 8th we were told pick up your bait at 07.30 and on the boat by 07.45 for an 08.00 start, inevitably one group turned up late, we fished a different mark Collage Rocks, a number of Black Bream were caught but mostly undersize, the fish were late arriving on the mark due to the cold weather, other fish caught were strap Conger, Smooth Hounds, Pouting and the proverbial Dogfish.

As the tide slackened the bits tailed off so it was decided that we would drift between Brighton and Worthing, on the drifts I had Dabs, Plaice, Black Bream and a surprise catch a Ballan Wrasse, the skipper said it was the first he had seen in over eight years, we were back into Brighton Marina at 16.00, the journey home was mainly uneventful until I approached the M2, there had been an accident on the east bound carriage  way that was stopping the traffic from the M23 joining as the tailback started to grow it was blocking access to the west bound slip road, lucky I managed to get onto the M25 without too much delay, the traffic on the other side was backed up to the Leatherhead turnoff, my satnav always takes me off at the Redhill/Reigate turnoff on the way home.    

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Hook Road Car Park Epsom


Not too long ago in Hook Road Car Park Epsom, someone forgot to put the hand brake on when they parked their car, if it had been a larger car it would have blocked access, luckily you could get passed the obstruction. 

Sooty And Sweep - Sooty's Party

 This was the most downloaded record, for a number of years it was the most popular record, a new USA based Internet Search Engine selected this record on its first page, after about 4 years the hits stopped, I assumed  the Internet company had ceased trading, shortly after The Forum - The River Is Wide became the most popular record on the site.

Sooty & Sweep - Sooty's Party Pt 1 - YouTube